miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Collision Distance Software

In an experiment about driving at risk the minimum distance of passing between vehicles was evaluated. Because simple calculations of these distances are not a point to point problem, a geometrical model based on graphical algorithms was developed. In this new software, calculations of all possible distances are possible using powerful geometrical algorithms. The data generated from driving simulators hosted in McMaster Virtual Reality Laboratory, were transformed into indicators of risk using the model. This process allows evaluate the driver accuracy in a passing task. Complex and long files are reduced to graphics and simple numbers that show the amount of risk assumed during the driver performance. Future applications of this software in intelligence driving area will be evaluated.

More about McMaster simulator in http://vr.mcmaster.ca/lab/index.htm

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

International Council of Saint Thomas Aquines

During the last four years I have been teaching at the International Council of Saint Thomas Aquinas (ICUSTA) course. As one result of this experience, the book “Efectos de la Globalización: un enfoque interdisciplinary” was published by the experts from different disciplines. This is an extraordinary experience and an essential learning opportunity based on collaborative research related to social problems like poverty, immigration, environmental protection, technologies, international commerce, Human Rights, ecology, sustainability and development. The great team is composed by nine university experts from different countries: Australia, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, United States, Spain, France and Philippines. We will have the 4th international course in this spring (2009).

Teaching Neuroscience

This is a tridimensional neuron, created using stereoscopic techniques. You can see this neuron using a stereo (red, green) glasses. It is an amazing experience when you can see floating in the space a neuron in the 3D projection. The soma, dendrites, axon and synaptic structures are visible.

More information in my course:


martes, 30 de junio de 2009

McMaster Neuroscience In House Conference

During this year in Canada, I had been working with Virtual Reality Dr Sun Laboratory, developing a geometrical model for space of collision calculation. I presented a poster in Neuroscience In-home Conference. There I shared this job with professors and students and obtained important feedback for my project.
Information about the Neuroscience In-House site:


6 Million people in Television Program

This is my work with Television Channel RCN in psychology during 2008. I filmed educative programs for all audience in areas as education, child development and sexuality. I spoke in natural language about the most important themes in children education, sexuality, violence and poverty during 6 tv programs. Here there is one example.

Teaching is my life activity. (1984 - 2009)

This is Development Laboratory team in University of Houston 2009.
During two months I was sharing concepts and experiences with teachers and students in Saint Thomas Houston University and University of Houston. There great ideas about cognition, perception, motivation, personality and research using computers were discussed. My experience as director of laboratories, designer of research facilities and my Lafayette (Indiana) training in Instruments and Research, was complemented by this experiences.
I was teaching from elemental learning levels until Master levels in different universities and after three years of studies in pedagogy, five years of psychology studies, four years of PhD studies in Complutense University Madrid and two years researching with PhD Philosophy Mayor in Psychology from Commonwealth Open University in United Kingdom, my last ambition is finish my postdoctoral studies in my teacher career.